10 Greatest Spinebusters In Wrestling History

8. Booker T

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsYD63KbxOo But Austin wasn€™t the only Superstar to use this particular spinebuster technique. Booker T€™s 110th Street Slam was a very similar version, though it packed a little more punch than his that of his fellow Texan. Booker€™s approach was largely the same as Austin€™s, though he would add a bit of venom to the actual slam itself by tucking in his opponent€™s legs, thus causing them to drop onto their back at a much higher velocity. Booker would also fall forward with his victim on some occasions, only adding to the manoeuvre's impact. Like Austin€™s it still retained an element of sloppiness, but the vicious tucking motion that the Book added made for a slightly more impressive spectacle.
Perhaps the similarities between the two men€™s moves was intentional€”after all, it was Austin that Booker targeted with when he first joined the WWE. But for me, the spinebuster wasn€™t just parodied by the former WCW champ€”it was actually improved upon.
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