10 Greatest WWE PPV Matches Under 5 Minutes

4. Big Show Vs. Brock Lesnar - Survivor Series 2002

Edge, Matt Hardy

Duration: 4:19

Goliath vs. Goliath. The Unstoppable Force vs. The Immovable Object. However you want to phrase it, this was a meeting of the monsters that only needed to display a single feat of superhuman strength to make it feel important. It did that, and more.

Although the pace of the match was a little clumsy, it was elevated by the spectacle of these two titans clashing in a way that hadn't been done since Hogan and Andre at WrestleMania III. Sure, no moment in the match stands out quite like The Hulkster bodyslamming The Giant, but it had several moments that felt similar.

Big Show wasn't a guy that got tossed around the ring. Ever. So Lesnar suplexing Show not once, but twice, was a big deal. But an F5 to the 500-pound behemoth? That should be enough to put this match on everyone's must-see list.

And no matter how you feel about Paul Heyman turning on Lesnar halfway through the match, it gave Lesnar his first legitimate loss in WWE and gave fans a reason to get behind him.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.