10 Greatest WWE PPV Matches Under 5 Minutes

5. Taz Vs. Kurt Angle - Royal Rumble 2000

Edge, Matt Hardy

Duration: 3:16

This was set up as Taz(z)'s "surprise" introduction, but any fans of ECW knew he was coming to WWE long before he stepped through the curtain. Still, it was a heckuva way to introduce everyone to The Human Suplex Machine.

The match starts out with a little hat tip to ECW as Taz quickly chucks Angle out of the ring and attempts to suplex Kurt onto the floor, only to have it reversed and take a suplex of his own. This was a common theme throughout the rest of the match, with both men trading suplex variations that included a devastating Taz superplex and a release German suplex that planted Angle right on his All-American face.

The semi-controversial ending to this match match would help Kurt Angle complete his transition from supposed babyface to legit heel, while also cementing Taz as a certifiable badass to his new audience.

And while the match may not make any Best of the Royal Rumble video packages, it was a solid outing from both men.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.