10 Most Unstable WWE Superstars Ever

7. Randy Orton

The dude's music literally starts of with, "I hear voices in my head." I mean, c'mon! Randy Orton earned the nickname of The Viper, thanks to his quick-strike nature and the danger that surrounded any and every match he was involved in. In 2009, however, that danger was enhanced tenfold when Orton began targeting the family of rival Triple H, picking them off one-by-one on a seemingly weekly basis. Whether he was punting Vince and Shane McMahon or delivering a jaw-dropping DDT to Stephanie and planting a kiss on her unconscious body, Orton demonstrated personality traits that was consistent with that of a sociopath. He made conscious, well-planned, personal attacks with the sole purpose being to advance his career and get what he wanted. There was no remorse, no sympathy whatsoever for the men and woman he was attacking. If that was not bad enough, his feud with John Cena later in the year produced one of those moments that goes unrecognized for its lunacy. After several consecutive matches over the WWE Championship, an Iron Man bout was booked for the main event of WWE Bragging Rights in October. In the middle of the contest, Orton and Cena fought to the top of the entrance ramp, where The Viper got the best of his opponent. He headed to the production table, where proceeded to set off pyro in an attempt to BLOW CENA UP! That is correct; one of the most decorated and celebrated Superstars in the history of professional wrestling attempted murder on live television. And no one cared. They were more concerned with the fact that Super Cena managed to regain the title by night's end than the fact that Orton was clearly a danger to his fellow Superstars. Orton as mellowed out tremendously since then but continues to demonstrate an unstable personality on occasion. Just as Roman Reigns.
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Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.