10 Pro Wrestling Moves That Need To Die

3. The Giant Swing

Cesaro Swing Kofi Kingston

This is controversial. But that's what comments sections are for.

I'll readily admit that I enjoy professional wrestling's wackier side most of the time and am fully willing to suspend my disbelief pretty much whenever I'm asked to, so long as the end result is a big helping of amusement and mirth. But when you ask me to take seriously a move like Cesaro's Giant Swing, you've simply crossed a line.

Look, I understand that Cesaro is a throwback to the olden days of wrestling when moves like this were commonplace, but perhaps he could throw himself back to a more, erm, "reasonable" move set?

To hear William Regal explain it, the Swing is an utterly devastating move because it "stretches out their ligaments" and puts tremendous pressure their knees. Which is...fine? I guess?

Once the spectacle of seeing a grown man get swung through the air like a toddler who wants "one more turn" wears off, and Cesaro sets them gently down on the mat, you're left with an incredibly awkward situation where the match is supposed to continue in earnest as if he didn't just spend thirty seconds twirling a real human being around and around while other grown adults counted his rotations.

No. No thank you, Cesaro.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.