10 Pro Wrestling Moves That Need To Die

4. Power Leg Drops

Cesaro Swing Kofi Kingston

Setting aside the fact that the standard leg drop has been synonymous with one of the worst workers in the history of the business since Hulkamania first started running wild all over WWE, the move simply doesn't have the same oomph that it used to - and it's time for it to be retired.

To be fair, there are variations of the move that still work. The springboard leg drop, guillotine leg drop, and even Kofi Kingston's Boom Drop are all crowd-pleasers.

But for every one leg drop that goes over, there are three or four that fail to draw so much as a single "woo" from the crowd. It's even worse when someone like Matt Hardy interjects a diving leg drop into every match.

Not only does the "big" leg drop look outdated and sadly futile, but it's been known to cause serious spinal and hip problems for those who routinely use the move. So that's basically bad piled on top of bad and topped with a dollop of blech.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.