10 Ric Flair Stories So Crazy That They Must Be True

2. Being Bladed By Somebody Else

flair blood
WWE Network

One of the most quintessential images in wrestling folklore. Ric Flair's proverbial crimson mask became a staple of his most-heated matches and feuds. Seeing the claret flow from his forehead, eventually caking his bleach-blonde hair, was quite the sight, and it usually helped serve the dramatic feel of his bouts.

A scary story from the early years of Flair's career involves the very first time he was ever involved in a cage match, way back in 1973. Facing Rusher Kimura, Flair was nervous about the fact he'd have to blade during the contest, and asked Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch for advice.

Both men advised that the referee do it for Flair, which - as any wrestler will tell you - is extremely dangerous. Not only does the person doing the cutting not know how deep they're going, but the act of blading has to be done inconspicuously, and quickly.

Getting cut pretty deep, Flair returned to the dressing room to find that he was alone, and had no ride out of the building. Apparently, his clothes had also been taken, in what is considered an almighty rib from Rhodes and Murdoch.

If true, this is one story which no wrestler ever wants to live through!

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Ric Flair
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