10 Ric Flair Stories So Crazy That They Must Be True

1. His Wife Thought He Was A Pimp

WWE Network

The robes which Flair wore during his entrance were not exactly cheap - some are reported to have cost as much as $8,000 dollars, and that was in the 1980's, so translates to a being a lot more now. The Nature Boy really wanted to look like a million bucks, so spared no expense, and it paid off, making him one of the most eye catching wrestlers in the world.

Nobody was unaware that Ric Flair was in the room, that's a recurring theme throughout all of the stories here, and not even one of his future wives was sure what to make of him upon first glance. Beth Fliehr, who was married to the grappler for around 23 years, once stated that she was sure Flair was a pimp the first time she met him.

Surrounded by seven other women, dressed in one of his trademark robes, Beth remarked that she was sure he wasn't a "normal person", but was intrigued by him straight away. Inevitably, Flair charmed the woman, and she'd become his second marriage.

For any regular person looking at Ric Flair during his heyday, the thought that he wasn't a "normal person" would only be natural. The life and soul of any party, Flair is still going strong today - the man may have aged on the outside, but on the inside, he's still that stylin', profilin' World Champion.

What other famous Ric Flair stories do you think deserved a place on this list? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.