10 Ric Flair Stories So Crazy That They Must Be True

3. The Plane Ride From Hell

The previous entry wouldn't be the only memorable plane ride in Ric Flair's lifetime - in 2002, less than a year after returning to the WWF, Flair was involved in the infamous 'Plane Ride From Hell', which resulted in lawsuits, releases soon after for guys like Scott Hall, and a hell of a lot of controversy.

On one routine flight back from a tour of the UK, Brock Lesnar and Curt Hennig scared everyone by nearly opening the emergency door of the plane whilst scuffling in the aisle way. X-Pac also cut off the infamous mullet of Michael 'P.S' Hayes, who was sleeping, after the latter had been in a fight with JBL.

It must have been horrendous for the top brass and management who were on the flight, and anyone reading this list who is familiar with Ric Flair will know that it was only a matter of time before he'd become involved. Stripping his clothes, Flair would re-appear wearing one of his iconic robes, and literally nothing else.

While all this chaos was ensuing around him, it's funny to picture Flair standing proud as punch, sipping a drink and woo'ing at the top of his lungs, 10,000 feet in the air.

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