10 WCW Stars From The 2000s You Totally Don't Remember

2. The Dog

The Maestro WCW
WWE Network

The late, great George 'The Animal' Steele successfully acted like a beast rather than a functioning human being for years. Perhaps that's the kind of aura WCW were trying to create for Al Green when they repackaged him as 'The Dog' in 2000, but the gimmick didn't quite match Steele's level of success.

Introduced by Fit Finlay and Brian Knobbs, the new canine character was led to the ring on a leash and generally tried to act like a ferocious mutt who was out of control; at one point, Dog could even be seen drinking from toilet bowls, which shows the dedication of Green to the character if nothing else.

Green's last guise in WCW was less-than-memorable, and it marked a tremendous come down from his previous role as part of The Master Blasters tag-team with Kevin Nash during the early-90s.

Although he played the character as best he could, there was no way pretending to be a dog was going to have much longevity for Green; quietly phased out by the time WCW bit the dust, The Dog remains a curiously forgotten part of WCW's history.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.