10 Worst NWO Members Ever

5. Vincent

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Call him Virgil, Shane or Vincent, Mike Jones made a career out of using names designed to rib other people. In WCW, the Vincent name was a barb aimed at Vince McMahon, who must surely have been furious. Just kidding, he probably didn't even know about it until WCW had gone out of business.

Given the 'Head Of Security' role in 1996, Vincent was a completely useless member who only diluted the nWo's importance. There was no way such a low-card name should have been rubbing shoulders with the likes of Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. He did though, and Vincent lasted in the nWo until the initial big split in 1999.

Even then, Vincent tagged along as part of the nWo's B-team alongside guys like Stevie Ray and Scott Norton. He was part of the problem with the Order; adding more and more wrestlers into the faction ultimately killed it, and Vincent was one of the first.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.