10 Wrestlers Who Almost Died In The Ring

8. The Big Show

big show wcw

Men the size of The Big Show shouldn't be hoisted up for power moves like the powerbomb. Picture the scene: Kevin Nash is wrestling Show (then known as The Giant) on WCW's Souled Out 1998 pay-per-view. Around ten minutes into the match, Nash attempts to lift his opponent up for the Jackknife Powerbomb, but he's clearly struggling to hold the weight.

Instead of aborting the move, both men went through with it and Giant came down hard on the back of his head. In real time, it actually looked like he had landed smack bang on top of his skull, which would obviously have been worse. Afterwards, Nash temporarily dropped character and was visibly concerned that he'd broken Giant's neck.

WCW were able to turn the botched move into an angle later, but that wouldn't have happened had Big Show not recovered. At the time, there were real worries that his career could be over, because over 400lbs had crashed down on his neck. Ouch.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.