10 Wrestlers Who Almost Died In The Ring

9. Sabu

Sabu ECW

Sticking with ECW for a moment, the reckless nature of the promotion's in-ring style was always going to encourage injury. The human body can't fly around or crash through tables with the regularity Sabu did without luck running out. As it happens, this broken neck also involved Taz.

Known as the 'Human Suplex Machine', Taz delivered suplexes like they were going out of fashion. Often renamed 'Tazplexes' to suit his name, these moves came thick and fast, so much so that those taking them didn't have much time to prepare. That's probably why Sabu broke his neck upon landing head first and cracking a nearby table.

The wood was prone against the corner turnbuckles, creating an awkward angle for Sabu's cranium to smash into it. As Taz hurled Sabu over his head, there was no way for the latter to shield his body. This was a super-risky bump that Sabu was lucky to come away from with his life.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.