10 Wrestling Attires You Totally Forgot Famous WWE Stars Wore

2. Hulk Hogan's Helmet

Quick show of hands, who remembers Hulk Hogan's Gladiator-style 'Hulkster' helmet? Not many, in all honesty, because the whole thing didn't last all that long. In the early-90's, Hogan was looking for things that could keep him on top of the WWF mountain, likely feeling threatened by emerging stars such as The Ultimate Warrior. Thus, the man introduced an ill-fated helmet to his entrance attire, and the crowd went mild. It's been said that Vince McMahon and Hulk himself actually thought there was a market for the head piece at the merchandise stand. Bandanas are one thing, but asking your fan base to look like mascot characters from McDonalds is another, and funnily enough the idea would never catch on. Realising that the whole premise had been a waste of time, Hogan retired the helmet, but the items do still pop up on eBay from time to time, indicating that at least a few people were interested in buying a gaudy red hat with 'Hulkster' emblazoned on it in bright yellow. A few, but not many!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.