10 Wrestling Attires You Totally Forgot Famous WWE Stars Wore

3. Goldust's Green Phase

If there's one thing Goldust certainly wasn't upon his debut in 1995, it was normal. Bedecked in a lavish gold outfit and sporting make-up that stood out, Dustin Runnels instantly became one of the most eye-catching characters in the then-WWF. As if things could get more controversial for the androgynous creep, Runnels decided to mix things up a little towards the end of the 90's. In late-1997, Goldust may as well have been renamed 'Greendust', because gold wasn't really in his colour palette any longer. Recast as 'The Artist Formerly Known As' Goldust, the man wore everything from green and purple striped tights to women's underwear. It was a curious time in the guy's career, because he became less and less interesting the more freaky his appearance became. Eventually, towards the end of 1998, Goldust would fittingly return to gold, and the whole phrase of cross-dressing and experimenting with colour was largely forgotten. Having been associated with another freak, Luna Vachon during this time, Runnels can't really look back at this era as one of his best.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.