10 Wrestling Attires You Totally Forgot Famous WWE Stars Wore

5. Kurt Angle's Wig

Speaking of dorks, few played that role better than Kurt Angle. A legitimate bad-ass who could probably tie many of the roster up in knots, Angle wasn't adverse to poking fun at himself to entertain the fans, which is likely why Vince McMahon took to the man so quickly. Never was this more evident than when the Olympic Gold Medal Winner started wearing a wig to cover up his lack of hair. Angle had been the victim of a receding hairline anyway, and instead of simply shaving his head, WWE decided to play the situation out in a story. Losing a 'Hair vs. Hair' match (what happened to those?) at Judgment Day 2002, Kurt was shaved bald, seemingly shaming him forever more. For a few months, Angle hilariously wore a terrible hair piece, one held on by Amateur wrestling head gear. Around this time, many of his opponents would try to rip it from his head, which led to Angle scrambling out of the ring and instructing the referee to admonish them for 'pulling his hair'. It was short-lived, but Kurt Angle really made the most of the whole hair loss thing.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.