20 Greatest Wrestling Documentaries Ever

2. Ladies And Gentleman, My Name Is Paul Heyman (2014)

Wrestling With Shadows Vince Bret

Paul Heyman's name has cropped up a few times on this list, mainly when explaining the importance of his roles in the original ECW and the careers of men like CM Punk. Undoubtedly, aside from helping others achieve their dreams, Heyman has fulfilled a few ambitions of his own.

In 2014, WWE decided to honour his length of service to the pro wrestling industry by releasing a DVD dedicated to Paul. In similar fashion to the CM Punk and Chris Jericho documentaries, Ladies And Gentlemen, My Name Is Paul Heyman is all the better for allowing Heyman the chance to talk directly.

There's no hiding from his abrasive personality, something Heyman even discusses himself. In amongst laughter at his inability to return phone calls, others speak seriously about Paul's impact on wrestling in the 1990's with the creation of ECW and the renegade group's core values core values.

As a former photographer, manager, announcer and creative team member, Paul Heyman has almost done everything in wrestling aside from actually pull on a pair of tights with any kind of regularity. His story is one worth listening to for anyone even slightly interested in entering the industry.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.