7 WWE Couples That Should Have Been

1. Hulk Hogan & Miss Elizabeth

One of the most compelling angles of the Hulkamania era was the formation and explosion of The Mega Powers. They came together when Miss Elizabeth brought Hulk Hogan out to save Randy Savage from the three-on-one assault of The Honky Tonk Man and The Hart Foundation. They fell apart when Savage became increasingly jealous about Hogan€™s relationship with Elizabeth, and attacked him in the trainers room claming that he€™d always lusted after the Macho Man€™s girl. The three would be intertwined over the next ten years, even after Savage and Elizabeth got married and then divorced, they were a constant in each other€™s on-screen lives, as was Hulk Hogan. Around the formation of the nWo, they targeted the WCW€™s top stars including Savage. Elizabeth got involved again, even though she had long been split from her ex-husband. She even allied with nWo against her will in order to try and protect Savage. In hindsight, it seems strange that neither company went further with Hogan & Miss Elizabeth. It€™s said that the hero gets the girl, but Elizabeth was instead spurned by Savage for Sensational Sherri. Later in WCW, if they revealed that Savage was right to be worried about Elizabeth and Hogan, it would have been a great way to really put The Hulkster over as not only being a bad guy, but as always being a bad guy. Instead Macho Man joined nWo, which saw an on-screen reconciliation between the two and he and Hogan tagged off and on for the remainder of the nineties.

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