7 WWE Couples That Should Have Been

2. Eric Bischoff & Stephanie McMahon

No-one ever took a fight to Vince McMahon quite like Eric Bischoff, not even the United States government. Bischoff took the regional World Championship Wrestling and turned into a global powerhouse and industry leader over the course of the nineties and very nearly put McMahon and WWE out of business. The Monday Night War saw the biggest battle with the biggest stakes in the history of professional wrestling, and there were times during the war when it could have gone either way. Vince McMahon won the war, and after the dust of the WCW Invasion settled, WWE was split into two separate brands, Raw and SmackDown. After a brief power struggle with Ric Flair, McMahon was in 100% control of his company and he appointed two General Managers to run the brands. For SmackDown, he appointed his daughter Stephanie McMahon, and for Raw he appointed his arch-nemesis Eric Bischoff. On the infamous 2002 Halloween edition of SmackDown (the same episode John Cena became a rapper), Stephanie met with a man dressed as her father who was revealed to be Eric Bischoff. Bischoff bragged about his latest talent acquisition before forcing himself on Stephanie, who resisted initially but embraced him shortly afterwards. While the scene had some uncomfortable moments, it could have been the start of something interesting where the daughter of the boss falls in love with his greatest enemy, while trying to strike out as an independent businesswoman on her own. Unfortunately, it never went much beyond that and Raw and SmackDown continued to compete to see who was the better show.

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