The Undertaker's 10 Best Biker Matches

2. The Undertaker Vs. The Rock Vs. Kurt Angle (Vengeance 2002)

The Undertaker 2002 Big Evil SummerSlam

Far from a five star wrestling clinic, this match has all the hallmarks of a dark match main event, with the focus on pulling out all the stops to send the audience home with a smile on their face. The three men trade finishers, indulge in ramping false finishes and steal each other’s signature moves with reckless abandon.

Some have criticised this match for all those reasons but only a cynic could not find enjoyment in watching three of the greatest that have graced a WWE ring clearly enjoying their craft. Angle played the impetuous challenger, whereas Undertaker was at his loathsome best and The Rock was still able to electrify like no other.

Coming during a time where Undertaker’s PPV offerings were mediocre at best, the match saw him enter as Undisputed Champion. To the surprise of many, he was able keep up with his opponents, showcasing his strength, speed and agility.

Triple Threat matches can be difficult to pull off, but this is an example of how to do it right. The ending sequence was mapped out to perfection, and had the entire crowd on their feet as The Rock walked out as champion.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!