WCW's Dungeon Of Doom: Where Are They Now?

10. Kamala

dungeon of doom

After wrestling the likes of The Undertaker and Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts in the WWF, ‘The Ugandan Giant’ would briefly return to working as a truck driver, before a call from Hulk Hogan would see him back in a wrestling ring. Now working for WCW, the real life James Harris would join in with The Dungeon of Doom’s plot to eradicate Hulkamania.

Kamala lost several matches with Hogan, before returning to wrestle on the independent circuit. Harris has appeared for Juggalo Championship Wrestling, TNA, ECW, and even wrestled Daniel Bryan for the ROH World Title back in 2006. He has also become a prolific songwriter, releasing an album called The Best of Kamala Vol. 1 in 2006, and has appeared in various novelty skits and matches for WWE, including the Gimmick Battle Royal at WrestleMania X-Seven.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.