WCW's Dungeon Of Doom: Where Are They Now?

11. Hugh Morrus

dungeon of doom

Bill DeMott has had a fairly storied history in wrestling, and very little of that is thanks to The Dungeon of Doom. Joining the faction late in the game as ‘The Man of Question’ Hugh Morrus, a character who regularly burst into laughing fits (get it?), DeMott’s time with The Dungeon was short lived.

After the group disbanded, he became an undercard performer, losing to Goldberg in his first televised match. He then went on to perform with various factions, including Misfits in Action, wherein he was dubbed Hugh G. Rection (get it, again?)

After WCW went under, DeMott wrestled on WWE’s B-Shows, before becoming a trainer at NXT. He was eventually fired from his trainer position, following several allegations of bullying, assault, harassment, derogation and misconduct, allegations which he has denied.

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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.