10 DC Characters Who Deserve Their Own Show

1. Green Lantern/The Green Lantern Corps

Dc Batman

If Marvel proved anything with their one poor Daredevil film and subsequently fantastic Daredevil TV show it's that one poor outing does not mean you have to cast the character out all together. Green Lantern is no different.

In fact of all the main Justice League characters outside of the holy trinity, Green Lantern is the one whose mythology would work best on the small screen.

Just think about it, the Lantern Corps are essentially an intergalactic police force. You should not have him in a movie that takes place 50% on earth you should give him a starring role in The Wire but set in space.

All the elements are there; a variety of rich locations, a whole load of interesting side characters both villains and heroes, and what is Sinestro if not a dirty cop who eventually falls to the dark side? We couldn't have Ryan Reynolds back but why not try Idris Elba as John Stewart, that's if we're really embracing The Wire side of this idea.

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