10 DC Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

7. Zatanna

Zatanna DC Rebirth
DC Comics

Although the tragedy of Zatanna's origin isn't immediately apparent, it's something that rears its head the more you begin to contemplate the transformative effects of DC's many retcons - for better or for worse.

Originally, Zatanna became a superhero after following in her father's footsteps, the legendary magician known as Giovani Zatara. When her father goes missing, Zatanna combines her love for the mystic arts on the stage with her admiration for the Justice League, and goes on to become a key member in the years following.

Sadly, Zatanna's early years on the team were made more tragic thanks to subsequent retcons, seen in Identity Crisis and then the New 52. The former retconned her time on the League by revealing Zatanna willingly altered the personalities and memories of villains and heroes alike, and it proved to be doubly controversial.

Less controversial, but still maudlin, was the character's origin in the New 52. In this new continuity, it was revealed that her father Giovani was actually one of the founding members of the Cult of the Cold Flame, a sinister magical organisation devoted to raising an army of mystics. Giovani is then killed by Constantine, so again, it wasn't the brightest of starts for Zatanna in DC's new universe.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.