10 Different Ways You Can Actually Defeat The Hulk

7. Adamantium

Silver Surfer The Incredible Hulk Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

Wolverine versus The Hulk is one of the greatest showdowns in Marvel Comics history, which is no doubt why writers continue to pit them against one another.

The green behemoth may have raw strength and power on his side, but Wolvie's adamantium claws really level the playing field.

The unbreakable metal is robust enough to cut through the hide of some of the toughest comic book cookies, including Luke Cage, The Thing and, yes, even Hulk.

Wolverine has been known to hack, slash, gouge and stab his long-time rival something rotten in the past, but has rarely beaten him outside of 'What If' scenarios.

That said, there are times when he could have killed him. During their battle in The Incredible Hulk #181, Banner was fortunate the pair eventually joined forces to take down a mutual foe in Wendigo, because Logan had him on the ropes.

Wolverine isn't the only adamantium-enhanced character in the Marvel Universe. Another is Speedfreek, and he's had some success mutilating The Hulk, only for Banner's rapid healing abilities to save his hide.

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The Hulk
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