10 Greatest Comic Book Super-Villains

5. Magneto

Magneto 2013 is the 50th anniversary of Magneto's first appearance in the X-Men comics. He is rightfully one of the greatest super-villains ever as everything about this guy makes him a super-awesome baddie. Born Max Eisenhardt in the comics, called Erik Lehnsherr in the movies, Magneto's powers make him one of the most powerful mutants in the world. The ability to manipulate all metals in the world €“ including adamantium, especially useful when facing Wolverine €“ gives Magneto the power to do almost anything he wants, from stopping bullets, to tearing down buildings, to flying €“ if it's got metal in it, Magneto can use it against you! Like a lot of the super-villains on this list, he's a smarty-pants but also possesses a wide array of weapons and secret bases, while his iconic red helmet keeps him safe from telepathic attacks. And speaking of the helmet, Magneto's red outfit and sometimes purple, sometimes silver piping, is a great look that's served him well for half a century. You instantly know who this guy is when he shows up, it's such a classic look. He's also a complex super-villain. Initially the straightforward antagonist to the X-Men as the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants (great name - says crazy pretty effectively), Magneto's back story has been fleshed out quite a bit since then. He's become disenfranchised with being purely evil, founding a mutant home in Genosha €“ which was subsequently destroyed by Sentinels €“ and even joined the X-Men to help with their new home of Utopia. In recent years he's tended to become less of a super-villain with writers like Brian Michael Bendis and Grant Morrison having more fun putting him in the role of reformed bad guy. That is until Mark Millar got his hands on him in Ultimate X-Men and turned Magneto into a literal cannibal! Magneto's a great character for many reasons but because he's malleable and can be written as both good and bad, it shows the depth of the character. Plus he has a rich history, a great outfit, and an amazing skill set; Magneto is undeniably one of the all-time greats.

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