10 Insanely Dark Batman Moments That'll Never Make It To Film

3. Slaughtering Wolves

thomas wayne batman
DC Comics

What is this? Skyrim?

Batman and the Mad Monk is a standalone story set during the formative years of the Dark Knight's crimefighting career, long before he became a global hero who fights supervillains and rubs shoulders with Superman.

The 2006 arc sees Batman do battle with a pair of wolves to hone his combat skills out there in the wild, and what transpires is the kind of thing the animal rights activists would never stand for on screen.

After blinding one of the animals with pepper spray, Bats wraps it up in his cape and repeatedly swings it against a brick wall until its spine breaks. Wait. What?

We should mention that one of the wolves takes a hefty bite out of the Caped Crusader's leg before he dealt out the fatality, and his actions were simply about self-preservation, but Warner Bros would certainly be in the doghouse if they adapted this scene for cinema.

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