10 Least Practical Super Villain Designs

6. Typeface

Kite Man

Gordon Thomas first stepped onto the streets as his alter ego Typeface in Peter Parker: Spider-Man #23. He is a villain who only inadvertently fights Spider-Man. His first intentional act of "retribution" involves attacking a group of hoodlums that are trying to rob him and then stealing a pair of their pants.

Suffering from PTSD, Typeface's outfit reflects his military roots with camo pants and some sort of utility vest worn bare chested. His look is completed with some stylish block letters he draws all over his face. Emphasizing his commitment to retribution, the largest letter is a red R right on his forehead.

Typeface has no superpowers, and his costume seems designed to undermine his strengths.

While the lack of face-covering does show off his classy alphabet art, it also puts him at risk of inhaling blowback from his own scrabble-tile shaped smoke bombs. Going shirtless is also unwise for someone who has sharp metal throwing-letters hung across his chest, and the lack of protective gear is an unfortunate choice for someone who engages in hand-to-hand combat and who insists on using explosives at close range.


West loves pop culture, movies, comics and TV-shows just as much as you do. Probably. Since you're reading this. Also, she has a cat. He's pretty awesome.