10 Secrets Hidden In Famous Comics

6. The Last Laugh - The Batman Who Laughs #7

Batman Batman Who Laughs
DC Comics

With so many hidden secrets in comics being completely unrelated to the series itself, it's worth mentioning that there are plenty of issues that include secrets tailor-made to add just that little extra to their plot.

Perhaps the best example of this is also one of the most recent, as the 2018-19 Batman Who Laughs series culminates in a sneaky plot moment that many may have missed. After narrowly defeating the titular Batman Who Laughs by putting the Joker's toxic blood into his own veins, we see Bruce Wayne speaking to Alfred while administering himself the cure.

Only, it's left incredibly vague as to whether this Bruce will indeed be cured, as the visual cue that he was infected by the Joker's blood - that of an occasional red letter appearing in his dialogue, referencing the Batman Who Laugh's all-red dialogue - spells out the sentence 'RIGHT HERE STILL HAHA', suggesting that this universe's Batman will continue to be affected by the infected blood indefinitely.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.