10 Things That Will Never Happen In The Marvel Cinematic Universe‏

3. Any Part Of MAX Fury

Speaking of filth, don't expect to ever, ever see any part of the various MAX Nick Fury series to be adapted for Samuel L Jackson's version of the character. In fact, don't expect to ever see any part of the various MAX Nick Fury series adapted anywhere, since they each go hog-wild with the character in their own unique - but similarly offensive and insane - ways. In the first MAX series by the notorious Garth Ennis, Fury was an out-of-touch Cold War veteran struggling to adapt to the modern world, lashing out in moments of extreme violence (liking nearly whipping a superior to death with his belt for questioning his methods). And ordering hookers to wind down, as seen in the panel above. No less authority on the character than co-creator Stan "The Man" Lee was critical of Ennis's version of Fury, saying off the gore and violence that "I don't know why they're doing that. I don't think that I would do those kinds of stories." This version of the SHIELD head was carried through to Ennis's run on the Punisher, although his potty mouth was toned down a little. Things weren't toned down much in the more recent MAX Fury story, My Way Gone By, which depicts the horrors of war with brutal realism. And you see how somebody gouged Fury's eye out with their thumb. Although Samuel L Jackson has an admitted propensity towards certain curses (specifically the one about relations with a maternal figure), and has appeared in plenty ultra-violent movies in his time, we're willing to bet that The Winter Soldier is as close to "real world" violence as we're likely to get in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And we'll be very shocked if Premier Escort ever get a name check.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/