10 Things That Will Never Happen In The Marvel Cinematic Universe‏

4. The Origins Of Jessica Jones And Luke Cage's Relationship

We're just gonna take it as read that Marvel's Netflix TV series - Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage, all building up to the Defenders - exist as part of the Cinematic Universe, in the same way that Agents of SHIELD does. And we're pretty excited for it, especially since we've yet to see any "street level" heroes in the films (most of the threats are big, even cosmic), and because we still need the nasty taste of the previous Daredevil and Elektra movies washing out of our collective mouths. There's plenty of good material to work with when it comes to Matt Murdock, Iron Fist and Luke Cage, but Jessica Jones is more of an unknown quantity. Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos for the Alias title - part of Marvel's mature readers MAX line - and principally used by Bendis since then, former superhero and private investigator Jones has a limited bibliography to draw from. She was a supporting character in the various Avengers teams Cage has served on, and played a good part in journalistic drama The Pulse, but we're betting they'll be working to adapt Alias. And there was a reason that series was for mature readers. No less than because it sees the start of Jessica and Luke Cage's relationship, which ends up in wedded bliss and a beautiful baby, but begins with the pair having on-again, off-again casual sex, including an incident in the first volume of Alias where he, ahem, "gets to do whatever he wants with her". Which includes having sex in an uncomfortable place, and we don't mean the back of a Volkswagen. Netflix are no strangers to explicit sexual content with their original series - just cast a cursory eye over Orange Is The New Black - but will Marvel and the family-friendly Disney want to sully the Cinematic Universe with such filth? We doubt it.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/