11 Best Things The MCU Did Differently To The Comics

9. Changing The Hulk's Exile - Thor: Ragnarok

Thor Ragnarok Hulk
Marvel Studios

Planet Hulk's fingerprints are all over Thor: Ragnarok, but only the best bits.

Revolving around the same basic premise of the Hulk leaving Earth, but for a different reason, the Planet Hulk comic saw the jolly-green-giant fight as a gladiator in a far-flung alien world. Unfortunately for Marvel, at the time, it was decided that Hulk leave the planet and be banished by his superhero cohorts; he's literally expelled from Earth because his former teammates grow sick of his antics.

Ragnarok's exile is more self-imposed this time, and while it's no less tragic, it's certainly more enjoyable than a storyline where most of Marvel's heroes elected to boot the Hulk off-world. There's also the added bonus of the arc with the Grandmaster, the Revengers, and all the rest, which blends together Planet Hulk's interesting premise with the sense of wonder that pervaded Jack Kirby's original Thor comics.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.