5 Reasons Why Joss Whedon Shouldn't Direct Batgirl

2. Wonder Woman's Treatment In Justice League

Justice League Wonder Woman
Warner Bros.

It really is incredible how quickly WB have managed to dismiss Wonder Woman's legacy, little under six months since its release.

While Gal Gadot was again spot-on as Diana, there were a number of sequences in Justice League that seemed to fly in the face of what Jenkins' film had accomplished earlier in the year. Whedon gets his trademark 'awkward nerd stumbles into woman's chest' moment when Flash crashes into Wonder Woman during a battle (echoing the Banner/Black Widow scene from Age of Ultron), and even Jason Mamoa's Aquaman has an awkward moment when he's sat on the lasso of truth, in which he proceeds to list off how beautiful the character is for no other reason than to be that guy.

It's just awkward, and beyond disappointing in how predictable Whedon's depiction of female characters has become in recent years. While Wonder Woman on the whole emerges from Justice League unscathed, these awkward sequences, combined with the apparent controversy that emerged with the Amazon Warriors' wardrobe in the weeks leading up to its release, has left an ugly cloud over Justice League.

It's one that'll linger over Whedon too, with production on Batgirl inching slowly forward in JL's wake.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.