Batwoman Trailer Reactions: 3 Ups & 4 Downs

3. The Music

Batwoman Trailer
The CW

The superhero genre has produced countless memorable scores - scores that, more often than not, have matched the headlining hero while setting the tone for the rest of the series/film - evidenced beautifully by Blake Neely's respective compositions for Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow.

With that in mind, it was only fitting that Batwoman too got her own theme music when she made her Arrowverse debut - and what a stunning piece of music it was, bellowing over the action every time she appeared on-screen. It was triumphant yet Gothic, subtle yet powerful - a perfect match for this awe-inspiring character.

Unfortunately, there was none of that majesty in the music heard in the trailer. Though there are all-too-brief traces of an impressive guitar riff, it's all squandered in the second half when it's replaced by a generic pop song with the rather on-the-nose lyrics "I'm a woman, here I come".

The problem isn't just that it's tropey, it's that it robbed the trailer of that grandiose aura that we already know Batwoman is capable of pulling off and positioned the show as more of a teen soap than the gritty crime drama it's supposed to be.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.