Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

13. Crimson Bands Of Cyttorak

Doctor Strange Spells

Type: Defence

Cyttorak is yet another mystical entity (noticing a theme here?) that lives in a dimension named the Crimson Cosmos, a place in which time does not exist and he is constantly infuriated by his inability to grow stubble.

Cyttorak is the guy we have to thank for giving Juggernaut powers (such as enough strength to wield a skyscraper like a bread-stick) and therefore making Vinnie Jones 100% less cooler even though Snatch and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels exist.

The Crimson Bands of Cyttorak are most often used as a binding spell. Doctor Strange summons the red bands (the number of which he can make not exact but not entirely limited) in order to capture his foes. Mostly, though Bands are unbreakable but it was World War era Hulk that broke two of them in a battle where he then crushed Strange's hands.

World War Hulk was the stuff of nightmares but I can't say seeing the Hulk put a beat-down on basically the entire Marvel Universe wasn't a thing of beauty.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.