Doctor Strange: 20 Awesome Spells & Artefacts You Need To Know

12. 'By The Hoary Hosts Of Hoggoth!'

Doctor Strange Spells

Type: Offence

Hoggoth is one third of the Vishanti, the aforementioned holy trinity of magic. I'm not entirely sure why his hosts are called 'hoary' as that word means either 'grayish white' or 'overused or unoriginal', both of which are not things that you could associate with Hoggoth.

The Hosts of Hoggoth is a spell that banishes the target from whatever plane of existence they are on at that moment. As Hoggoth normally appears as a humanoid, blue skinned male, so do his hosts who come to take the unaware traveler away.


When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.