Hawkeye TV Show: 6 Things It Must Include

1. Episodic Stories (With A Season Long Arc)

Hawkeye Thumbnail
Marvel Studios

The format of one arching plot for an entire season supported by smaller stories peppered throughout has been a standard trope for a while. The X-Files fans called these episodes ‘Monster Of The Week’, and that’s exactly what Hawkeye needs.

Too often, Marvel TV shows have been like 10 or 12-hour movies. Seasons One of both Jessica Jones and Luke Cage started in this kind of vein, but ditched the idea halfway through to go full throttle for the big bad. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with this approach, but you can’t help feeling like Hawkeye must take a different path.

For one, there’s a danger of oversaturation with Marvel shows in this style these days. But also, Hawkeye is not a new character. Yes, we’d like to know more about his backstory, but a lot of who he is has already been established. He’s a founding member of the Avengers. There’s understandable suspension of disbelief with the Defenders; none of those are likely to have Steve Rogers on speed dial (people still use that, right?).

Hawkeye needs to walk a tension tightrope. The stakes must be high enough for us to care, but the odds manageable enough he won’t call his friends.

What do you want to see in a Hawkeye TV show? Let us know down in the comments.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)