Hawkeye TV Show: 6 Things It Must Include

2. More Focus On The Family Dynamic

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Marvel Comics/Tigh Walker

Of course, there could be some very dark motivations behind Hawkeye becoming Ronin. In the comics, it follows the aftermath of Civil War. In the MCU though, it could be the result of Thanos’ snap claiming his family.

Regardless of whether or not this happens, surely a Hawkeye centric TV show will focus on the rest of the Bartons. His wife and kids (or agent and smaller agents, as Tony calls them), had some screentime in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, but with so much going on in the movie they seemed to be pushed aside rather quickly.

If he does indeed lose them in the snap, his usual dry-witted demeanour could shrivel into something more serious. Renner definitely has the talent to shoulder a storyline so dark and tragic. However, if they survive, we should see more of his relationship with his wife, more of him bonding with his kids, as his down to earth nature has always separated him from a lot of his teammates.

Too often, his family members have just been to show he has a family. They were props used to characterise Hawkeye more clearly. Hopefully on the small screen, we’ll see them get an added dimension.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)