Marvel Phase 4: 10 Mutants Who Should Be MCU X-Men

1. Sunfire

Magma X Men
Marvel Comics

Nothing draws a crowd - especially in this industry - like a good old fashioned bad boy narrative, and seeing as how he's also one of the only original characters from Giant Sized X-Men #1 that hasn't gotten into the movies yet, I think it's high time that Sunfire got some love.

Originally a villain trying to fight the X-Men, Sunfire was eventually shown the error of his ways and joined up with the X-Men throughout the eighties. This Japanese mutant hasn't made that many appearances throughout X-Men history, but whenever he does show up, he always leaves a lasting impression, as shown in his most recent appearance in Uncanny Avengers.

Sunfire's powers are - in true X-Men fashion - exactly what they say on the tin. He controls fire, which he shoots out as blasts of energized plasma, making them much more powerful. He can use this plasma to not only fly, but erect an energy barrier around himself to ward off attacks.

Sunfire is just straight up awesome. His origin might need a little work, but the MCU is used to that, so Sunfire would be the best addition to help the MCU X-Men movies stand out.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?