Ranking Every Marvel Animated TV Series From Worst To Best

6. X-Men: Evolution

Edging just ever so slightly ahead of its successor comes X-Men: Evolution, a show that really turned its attention to a younger, more energetic version of the new mutants in the wake of the team's big-screen success.

The show was a major hit, and the dynamic shared between the young and old members of the team reinvigorated Marvel's premier superhero line-up much like its predecessor did ten years earlier. The idea to have Wolverine, Storm and the Professor as the only senior members (and teachers) of the group worked brilliantly, and it was majorly refreshing to see the Jean/Logan/Scott love triangle given the boot in favour of trying something altogether different and less melodramatic.

There's also a lot of good stuff here involving Mystique, Rogue and Nightcrawler, although the series' interpretation of everyone's favourite southern starlet might prove jarring to fans more accustomed to the character's earlier, more iconic incarnations. Still, the decision to follow an altogether more younger team helped differentiate Evolution from other X-Men series' and, at the time, put it way ahead of the competition. It may not garner the same accolades that its older counterpart did (or have as good an opening intro), but it's definitely one of the best comic book shows of the millennium era.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.