Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse Trailer: 6 Ups and 1 Down



Spider-Man Spider-Verse Forest

You know something's looking good when the only down is that there's not enough of what you're enjoying.

It's a given at this stage that Sony will reveal more Spider-Men at SDCC 2018 (they say so in the trailer too, rather brilliantly), and with Spider-Gwen the first to be confirmed, could the likes of 2099, Spider-Man Noir and more be heading to the big screen too?

One would hope so, and while it'll be great to see some surprises along the way as well, seeing the next trailer go all out with a veritable army of Spider-Men would help reiterate Spider-Verse's credentials.

Sure, we might have Ant-Man to look forward to in a few months' time, but Spider-Verse seems to have all the momentum. Given Lord and Miller's (animated) track record too, this one's shaping up to be one of the best Spidey films going.

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