The Umbrella Academy Season 2: 10 Shocking Comic Moments That Must Happen

7. Number Five Eats His Former Boss - The Umbrella Academy: Dallas

The Umbrella Academy
Dark Horse

In the first season of the Umbrella Academy, we see Number 5 handily dealing with his former boss, known as The Handler, who is then killed by Hazel in the final episode.

In the comics, The Handler's role is instead played by a talking fish, housed in a robot body with a goldfish bowl for a head, which is more than a little bit weirder. Though obviously the aquatic handler couldn't have the exact same role as the one we see Kate Walsh play, this doesn't limit him from featuring in the television series altogether.

Because The Handler, while shown as the boss of the time-traveling organisation known as The Commission, clearly wouldn't be the only member of administration for such an important group. As such, there's still a chance for her fishy counterpart to make a suitably damp appearance in the Netflix show.

But why would this be such a good inclusion? Well firstly because it sets up the show to include it's more alien characters - but secondly because when Five finally confronts his aquatic tormentor, he defeats the creature by eating him, which is a simply unreplicable insane moment.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.