The Umbrella Academy Season 2: 10 Shocking Comic Moments That Must Happen

6. Childhood Trauma - Various

The Umbrella Academy
Dark Horse

An interesting concept that the comic shows us is that, on a practical level, having children involved in the business of being a superhero is always going to lead them to having some pretty severe trauma.

While the show often has the cast say they were damaged by their crime-fighting childhood, it avoids showing it explicitly throughout its entire season, with the one scene of the young heroes doing their work being a bright happy scene set to a chirpy background track. Though the darker side of their lives is covered with Vanya's upbringing, and the scene in which Klaus is trapped in the mausoleum by their father, the awful things that happened to the kids when they were fighting real-world monsters for some reason is never covered, despite the fact that it has a crucial impact on characters like Allison.

The show definitely won't get anywhere near as gruesome as the comic did with this fact - as it's unlikely to show a young Rumour being partially cannibalised by a supervillain, for several pretty good reasons. But it's still worth showing, if only as yet another reminder that Hargreeves should not have been trusted with any children, let alone allowed to send them off to fight evil.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.