10 2016 Movies That Are Destined To Disappoint You

Borecraft? Batman v Superman: Dawn of Disappointment?

2016 certainly has a lot to prove after 2015 turned out to be the biggest year in film ever, but with a fleet of new comic book movies, franchise reboots, video game adaptations, spin-offs and long-awaited sequels, it's got a pretty damn good shot of turning in more than a few billion dollar-grossers itself. That said, we all know the pain of sitting down to watch a film on a wave of excitement only to find out, in fact, that it's just not that good. Be it the year's most-hyped movies or dark horses that will speed up the hype train in the coming months, these films are all hoping to score major box office victories (and maybe even a little awards success), but if you go in expecting brilliance, there's a good chance they'll fall short of your hopes. For every movie that looks set to massively succeed (Kung Fu Panda 3, Deadpool, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to name just a few), there are several suspect projects that could so easily end with broken fanboy hearts. Be it from an underwhelming trailer to reports about the movie's production or simply from the impossible hype it can't possibly live up to, here are 10 2016 movies that are destined to disappoint you...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.