10 21st Century Horror Movies That Are So Bad They're Good

8. Tusk (2014)

Polaroid Horror
A24 Films

Tusk is a more light-hearted horror for those who are not into the big jump scares and creepy music.

Based on an American podcast show SModcast, the film envisions what would happen when a deranged walrus lover meets a radio host causing this comedy body horror to ensue. The narrative is relatively simple – this man kidnaps strangers and forces them to live in a combination of their own skin and that of the water mammal to create the monstrosity that is Mr Tusk. And the reveal is not something you want to miss.

This film is much more of a horror to laugh at – with even a surprise guest appearance from no other than Johnny Depp playing a French detective. It starts slow, but then - if you stick with it - the pay-off is more than the right reward. Seriously, make sure you stick around to the ending – it’s really not what you expect to happen to a half man-half walrus.

If you’re looking for a film in this genre to definitely watch as a laugh then you’re in the right place with this one. But maybe prepare yourself to be equally parts confused and disturbed.


New Writer! Comic book movie lover, 80's films and 'nerdy' TV shows