10 "Final" Entries In Movie Franchises (That Totally Weren't)

9. Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter

Friday The 13th The Final Chapter
Paramount Pictures

At the time, it was a good, long run for a horror franchise. It had a successful trilogy of films in its wake, Jason Voorhees was a legitimate icon in the genre, and the time had come to put a cap on the series. The creators even brought back special effects wizard Tom Savini, who orchestrated the gory deaths of the first film, to bring Jason's reign of terror to a definitive end.

Come on, though. Who are we kidding? No one ever intended for the series to be over, because another Friday The 13th movie was released to theaters less than a year later!

Granted, the killer in Friday The 13th: A New Beginning was (spoiler alert) not Jason Voorhees but instead an angry ambulance driver; however the series still came back, and so did Jason. One movie later.


Chris Vander Kaay knows the hidden secrets of the world, but he frequently forgets them. He has them written on a piece of paper along with his passwords, but he seems to have misplaced that as well.