What do Jumanji, Drop Dead Fred, Cliffhanger, Point Break, Starship Troopers and The Crow have in common? Well, theyre all well liked 90s films that are getting the remake treatment. Evidently Hollywood loves to remake things, squeezing more money out of movies from the past because of the nostalgia people have for them. And it makes sense Hollywood is a business, after all. Its not even been a couple of decades since some of the above films (and others currently in development) were released and yet were getting up-to-date versions whether we like it or not. So what other fondly remembered films from the 1990s could Hollywood eventually remake? Below is a list of 10 very real possibilities. Now these arent films that necessarily
should be remade - in fact they very well may be classics that need not be touched - but just a group of movies that are likely to get remade nonetheless. Resistance is futile
10. Anaconda (1997)

There have many sequels to this 1997 monster movie which a lot of people forget is actually star-studded with the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Jon Voight, Owen Wilson and Ice Cube - but with the advancements in CGI in the last 15-plus years means we could be looking at a potentially superior remake, at least when it comes to the giant snake effect itself. The film wasnt exactly a masterpiece in the first place but it was still a lot of fun, with a decent adventure storyline peppered with some enjoyably perilous scenes of the titular snake doing its damndest to kill the boatload of adventurers.