10 '90s Horror Movies You Probably Haven’t Seen

3. Psycho

There's Nothing Out There
Universal Pictures

Of course you've seen Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, a 1960 classic of the horror genre that set the template and high bar for all prestigious horror filmmaking to come. But we're not here to talk about that one. No, instead we turn our attention to Gus Van Sant's experimental shot-for-shot remake of the same film -- one horror from the '90s that pretty much everyone has heard about but hardly anyone has actually seen. Truth be told, pretty much everyone dunked on this one without even giving it a shot.

The film follows, beat for beat, shot for shot, the same story as the original Psycho, from Marion Crane (here, Anne Heche) robbing her employer through to the final twist reveal. Vince Vaughn steps somewhat uncomfortably into the shoes of split personality psycho killer Norman Bates, saying original actor Anthony Perkins' lines, but not quite matching his intensity or complexity.

The late '90s were nothing if not fun, experimental years for filmmaking, where everything from small indies to big-budget blockbusters were working wonders with technology, character and form. Yet while Van Sant's Psycho is undeniably an interesting adventure into the curiosities of what makes good cinema work, it is hard to make a case for sitting down to watch it when Hitchcock's movie is right there.


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