10 Abandoned Franchises That Deserved Another Movie

3. 28 Days/Weeks Later

Hellboy 2
DNA Films

Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later served as the catalyst for the zombie movie's explosion in popularity in the early years of the 21st Century, and while a low-budget post-apocalyptic British genre film didn't seem like an obvious candidate for the franchise treatment, sequel 28 Weeks Later nonetheless ended on a tantalizing cliffhanger that's left fans infuriated that the trilogy hasn't been brought to a close.

We're now thirteen years removed from Juan Carlos Fresnadillo's follow-up, and while talks of a potential 28 Months Later rears its head every now and again, at this stage it seems highly unlikely to become a reality, especially with the Spanish filmmaker only having directed one movie since then, and Boyle himself no stranger to toying with an idea before eventually jumping ship.

The two zombie flicks only cost a combined $25m to produce, and turned out to be hugely profitable after sprinting their way to almost $150m at the box office. Sadly, despite Boyle confirming last year that he and writer Alex Garland had met up to discuss the idea, hordes of the undead making their way towards the Eiffel Tower looks to be the last we've seen of the series.


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