10 Abandoned Franchises That Deserved Another Movie

4. Constantine

Hellboy 2
Warner Bros.

If Constantine was released today, it would be a guaranteed box office smash. After all, who wouldn't want to see Keanu Reeves starring in a comic book movie as a chain-smoking, world-weary and cynical private eye who deals exclusively in the occult?

The DC adaptation was a decent-sized hit when it arrived fifteen years ago, raking in over $230m on a $100m budget and left itself wide open for sequels, even featuring a post-credits scene to tease a possible direction for the follow-up during a time where the Marvel Cinematic Universe was still a glint in Kevin Feige's eye.

These days, both the MCU and DCEU are reportedly desperate to secure Keanu Reeves' services for one of their superhero blockbusters, and the actor admitted as recently as last year that he'd jump at the chance to reprise the role, so it seems a little surprising that Warner Bros. haven't seized the opportunity to green-light the long-awaited second outing for John Constantine at the height of the John Wick star's current career renaissance.


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